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Opensea views/favorites (organic) – 1000 views+1000 favorites


NOTETo purchase from a reputed third part sources like Fiverr, you can go to https://www.fiverr.com/sebblk (Fiverr fee will apply on final purchase).

  • 1000 Opensea views + 1000 Opensea favorites (5 days delivery)
  • Organic NFT promotion from active accounts
  • All accounts are real (no bots), 80% accounts active since 2021 and 50% accounts have at least 1 collectible


NOTETo purchase from a reputed third part sources like Fiverr, you can go to https://www.fiverr.com/sebblk (Fiverr fee will apply on final purchase).

How are we different?

  • Other companies offer a promotion among 1 million audience but still your views/favorites barely increase. This is because only a fraction of that audience uses OpenSea
  • We do promotion only among ACTIVE USERS and it will increase your views and favorites 100%
  • All views/favorites will be from Real and Active accounts (not bots)
  • Organic promotion from 100% active accounts, 80% of accounts joined in 2021 and more than 50% of accounts have at least 1 collectible


  • Can the total 1000 views/favorites be distributed among different NFTs?
    Yes you can. You can distribute total 1000 views/favorites among different NFTs but TOTAL will be equal to the 1000 views (for example 100 views/favorites in 10 NFTs = Total 1000 views/favorites). You can also request all 1000 views/favorites in a single NFT.
  • Are custom packages with more/less views and favorites available?
    Yes custom packages are available. If you need a custom package or discount for bulk-purchase, please contact us.
  • What is required from the Buyer?
    If you want all the views/favorites to be delivered in one NFT, then provide the link of one NFT. If you want the total views/favorites to be distributed among multiple NFTs, then provide the links of all NFTs and the number of views/favorites you want for each NFT. Please do not provide the link of your entire collection!

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